PhD Dissertation

All Information for PhD Scholars

PhD Dissertation

All Information for PhD Scholars

Are you searching for the best PhD thesis(TAB) topics in 2023 to craft a dissertation? Even though there has been a lot of advancement in the field of Data Science, there are still some potential issues the researchers can address. The latest 20 thesis topics for a PhD candidate are given below in the article.

What are the 20+ Free PhD Thesis Topics in Data Science?

Along with highlighting the potential research areas in Data Science, we have also included details of such topics. Let us start without wasting any further time.

1. Scalable Architectures To Carry Out Parallel Data Processing

One of the industry’s most popular PhD thesis topics is the search for scalable architectures that will be used to carry out parallel data processing. There is a huge research potential for the PhD candidates in this field.

2. The Techniques Of Handling Real-Time Video Analytics In A Distributed Cloud

With the increased accessibility to the internet in both developed and developing countries, videos have become a common medium of exchange. You can research whether the existing systems can be enhanced with more accuracy and low latency.

3. The Process Of Efficient Graph Processing At Scale

Social media analytics is a data science area requiring efficient graph processing. Handling efficient graph processing at large scales is still a researchable topic. It is one of the best PhD thesis topics to write a thesis.

4. Identification Of Fake News In Real-Time

Sometimes the data appears authenticated, but still, it may be fake. The identification of fake news being circulated on social media in real-time is yet a fascinating issue to work on and research about.

5. Using Dimensional Reduction Approaches For Large Scale Data

Using visualisation aspects, the dimensional reduction approaches at large scales may be used to enhance their effectivity. You can also use existing open-source contributions to start with and contribute back to the source.

6. Incomplete Data And Inference In Noisy Environment

Sometimes, you may lose large amounts of data due to noisy environment. You can research whether the data be augmented meaningfully by oversampling using SMOTE or GANS techniques.

7. The Techniques Of Handling Uncertainty During Big Data Processing

The techniques which can be used to handle the uncertainty in big data processing can be researched. It is one of the best PhD thesis topics, and you can contribute a lot to the field of data science by researching this topic.

8. The Detection Of Anomaly In Large Scale Systems

Detecting an anomaly in systems is a common problem in data science; however, it is not to be ignored. The range of applications of this research problem involves the healthcare, telecom and financial sectors.

9. The Effective Anonymization Of The Sensitive Fields In Large Scale Systems

How to effectively anonymise the sensitive fields in large-scale systems is still a popular PhD thesis topic. It can be applied to several fields to preserve privacy.

10. Securing The Federated Learning With Real-World Applications

Federated learning makes the model training on decentralised data easier. You can figure out how to make federated learning work at large scales.

11. The Processes Of Scalable Privacy Preservation On Big Data

Privacy preservation for large-scale data is one of the challenging PhD thesis topics to research. You can use this topic to break new research grounds in data science.

12. Using Lightweight Big Data Analytics As A Service

You can research the problem, which says if lightweight data analytics can be used as a service for society’s greater benefit.

13. The Mechanism Of Auto Conversion Of Algorithms To Map Reduce Problems

Another popular researchable topic for PhD students is the mechanism of auto conversion of algorithms to MapReduce problems. You can work on building the library of processes which might prove helpful in this regard.

14. The Use Of Automated Deployment Of Spark Clusters

You can also research how automated deployment procedures of Spark Clusters can be used for benefit in the field of data science. It is a challenging problem in data science, open for further research.

15. The Techniques Used To Make The Models Learn The Less Number Of Data Samples

The work in this data science domain has substantially increased in the last decade. You can also work on this topic to write an impeccable thesis.  

16. The Working Of Neural Machine Translation To Local Languages

Google translation can be used for Neural Machine Translation activities; however, further work must be done in this field. This domain is open for research of PhD candidates.

17. The Process Of Handling Data And Model Drift For The Purpose Of Real-World Applications

When the data pattern changes and the model’s performance is about to be dropped, the model will be needed to run on inference data. It can yet also prove to be the best thesis topic for PhD candidates.

18. Handling Of The Interpretability Of Deep Learning Models In Real-Time Applications

This topic can also be adapted for research, and you can write an impeccable thesis on this research problem relating to AI.

19. The Process Of Building Context-Sensitive Large-Scale Systems

It is one of the latest trends in data science and can become one of the excellent PhD thesis topics in 2023. If you have background PhD knowledge in knowledge graphs, NLP, and search, this topic will be ideal for you.

20. The Process Of Building Large Scale Generative Based On Chatbots Frameworks

Making a lot of chatbots generative and preparing the summary in real-time conversations are some of the challenging problems faced by data science researchers. It requires a good understanding of Natural Language Processing and BERT to widen the scope of the problems the conversational systems can easily solve at scale.


In this article, we have tried to brief the data science research problems and highlight the issues that must be addressed. We hope that these inputs excite any of you to solve such research problems in the field of Data Science. These PhD thesis topics are free; you can use them to write a thesis.


Are you searching for the best PhD thesis help topics in 2023 to craft a dissertation? Even though there has been a lot of advancement in the field of Data Science, there are still some potential issues the researchers can address. The latest 20 thesis topics for a PhD candidate are given below in the article.