PhD Dissertation

All Information for PhD Scholars

PhD Dissertation

All Information for PhD Scholars

WebP is a next-gen image format. We can use it for better compression and smaller file sizes. After enabling WebP image format on your website, you can easily reduce the size of your website. As smaller files load quickly even on a stable internet connection. Therefore, we can use them to enhance the loading speed of a website. By using this image format, you can decrease the size of your images by up to 34%. While decreasing the size of your images, you will not lose their quality. When you will convert the images in the WebP format, you can also optimize the page speed score of your website. Here, we will discuss the top five methods to convert images to WebP format in WordPress.


Use Cloudflare to Serve WebP Images:

Cloudflare is a global CDN (Content Delivery Network). By using it, you can easily convert the images in WebP format. You can use the free as well as paid plans of this CDN. If you are using its free plan, you can’t convert the images in the WebP format. Its reason is that they are providing limited features in its free plan. On the other hand, if you are using its paid plan, you can easily convert the images in the WebP format. If you are using Cloudflare, you can easily convert these images into the WebP format.


Anyhow, if you are not using Cloudflare, you should immediately consider it. Most of the basic features of Cloudflare are free for webmasters. If you want to use it for the optimization of your website, you will have to buy its paid plans. You can easily use it for the optimization of the images in the WebP format. First of all, you will have to open the ‘Speed’ option. After that, you should click on the ‘Optimization’ button. At last, you should click on the ‘Polish’ button. Here, you can find an option to serve the images in the WebP format.


Use a CDN to Serve WebP Images:

You can also use CDNs to serve the images in the WebP format. Anyhow, all the CDNs are not supporting this feature. Therefore, you should be very careful while selecting the CDN for the conversion of the images in the WebP format. First, you can make use of the KeyCDN for the conversion of images in the WebP format. The main focus of this CDN service is on the fast loading of the website. That’s why they are providing this important feature to webmasters. You can buy its premium plan based on the data usage.


Secondly, you can also use StackPath CDN to convert images to WebP format. It is providing speed to the content of your website. Along with providing speed to the content, it is also ensuring its security at the edge. Thirdly, we can also use Fastly CDN. It is a highly programmable CDN. This CDN is providing freedom to webmasters to customize the delivery of the content at the edge. As a result, you can delight the users with their favourite content. At last, you can also make use of the Amazon CloudFront. This CDN is providing a developer-friendly environment to convert the images.

Convert Images to Webp Format in WordPress 2

Convert Images to WebP With EWWW Optimizer:

It is a WordPress plugin that you can use to convert the images in the WebP format. By using this WordPress plugin, you can easily optimize the images of your website. After converting the images, this plugin can easily show the images on the supported browsers. You just need to install and run this plugin on your WordPress website. After running it on your WordPress website, the next step is to configure its options. When you will configure it, you can see lots of options. Here, you will have to click on the WebP images option.


To save changes on your website, you should click on the ‘Save Changes’ button. Now, you will have to scroll down the WebP option of this plugin. Here, you can see some rules. You will have to accept these rules. After successfully enabling these rules, the red button will be converted into the green button. If you have enabled this plugin on your existing website, you have some old images. You can convert these old images in bulk. You can convert 999 images in the WebP format on the same page. If you want to convert more than 1,000 images, these images will show on different pages.


Convert Images With Imagify:

Recommended by a dissertation help firm, it is also an image optimization plugin that you can use to convert images to WebP format. After optimizing this plugin, you should click on the ‘Settings’. Here, you can configure the settings of this plugin. Now, you will have to open the ‘Optimization’ section. Here, you can see various options. You will have to click on the ‘Create WebP Versions of the Images’. After that, you can see two delivery options. You can select one of them to show your WebP images. You should check these options one by one. While checking these options, you should try to select one that will work well for your website. The webmasters should also click on the Bulk Optimization option. It will start the conversion of the images in the WebP format in the background.


Convert Images With SG Optimizer:

It is a free plugin that you can use to optimize the performance of your website. While optimizing your website’s performance, you will also see an option to convert images to WebP format. When you will install this plugin, it will show a new menu in the admin sidebar of your website. After clicking on it, you can easily go into the settings page of this plugin. On the settings page, you can see the Media Optimization tab. When you will click on it, you can see an option of ‘Generate WebP Copies of New Images’. Below this option, you can see ‘Bulk Generate WebP Files’. When you will click on it, you can convert the images of your website into WebP format.